Our mission is to promote ECP to allow patients to benefit from this proven, evidence based non-invasive modality of treatment in the rehabilitation of cardiovascular disease.  

IECPA Vision and Goals 
To be the official global practitioner membership organization in External Counterpulsation by:

  • Developing a formal curriculum and education system for ECP
  • Create and host the platform for ECP practitioners throughout the world to communicate with each other in order to improve patient outcomes
  • Setting up communication tools such as chat groups, website, digital, apps etc.
  • Arranging and supporting ECP conferences and meetings
  • Ensuring that ECP is represented in all other cardiac congresses internationally
  • To afford ongoing support in way of education and latest information on ECP
  • To assist and represent the IECPA practitioner to attain accreditation and recognition of ECP in their respective countries
  • To assist the practitioners with preparing the HTA for submission to medical insurances in the country
  • Promoting high standards and evidence based ECP studies free of outside influence or bias
  • Ensuring publication of ECP articles on the IECPA website as well as other recognized medical journals
  • To start a new IECPA journal for all ECP publications
  • To ensure the inclusion of all publications in other languages eg. Chinese, Russian, etc. to be converted to English and published on the IECPA journal 
  • Integrating and teaching an ECP curriculum in all medical schools and residencies
  • Representing the interest of ECP practitioners and patients to all governing stakeholders as well as creating awareness in the public domain
  • Preparing and distributing a formal ECP handbook and training manual
  • Advancing a formal presence of ECP therapy across medicine and health care

IECPA Values and Code of Ethics 

  • Integrity and Excellence
  • International unbiased Collaboration
  • Stewardship and Mentoring
  • Passion and Dedication
  • Social Responsibility

IECPA History

The International External Counterpulsation Association (IECPA) was foundered by Dr Rakesh Mohanlall (Doctor of Technology in Cardiovascular Perfusion) of South Africa in 2019. The first part of the venture was to unite the ECP practitioners from all parts of the world in a common goal to create a body that would unite to ensure that ECP gets the recognition it deserves as a formidable therapy in non-invasive cardiac care.  At inception more than 70 international ECP practitioners joined IECPA program. Additional ECP practitioners are joining on a daily basis and you are welcome to register and become part a formidable force. Decades of activity by the pioneers of ECP was focused on establishing a system that focussed on introducing ECP to the medical and patient population as well as getting accreditation for the methodology of cardiac care. This effort that we applaud was carried out by leaders from China such as Prof Zheng Zhensheng, Dr John CK Hui, Dr Guifu Wu, Dr Shuanli Xin, Dr Tianlun Yang. Leaders from India such as Dr Sibia, Dr Bimal Chhajer, Dr PS Bedi, Dr Anupam Shrivastava, Dr Sanoj Raj and from America namely, Prof Richard Conti, Dr Liam E Lawson, Dr Ozlem Soran, Dr Gregory W. Barsness, Dr Bravemen, (as well as many other ECP P practitioners from various countries that may have not been mentioned). This was only possible with the continued assistance by ECP manufacturing companies (as advertised on this website) who played a pivotal role in its recognition of its success thus far. The accreditation and acceptance that was achieved was undoubtedly no easy task and we wish to thank them for their perseverance due to which hundreds of thousands of cardiac patients benefitted in improving their quality of life worldwide. Today although ECP is internationally recognized there are those in the medical community that still resist change due to financial implications and use their credentials to ill influence the Medical community, patients and accrediting bodies. The IECPA intends to take on the challenges and critics using evidence based medicine and publications collected from IECP practitioners throughout the world.

The IECPA is focussed on setting of standards, examining, and advancing a continuous certification program in external counterpulsation for all ECP practitioners in the field internationally. Today ECP is approved by the Chinese Medical Association, South African Health Professions Council, American Heart and Stroke Foundation, USFDA, American Cardiology association, European cardiology association and is well recognized in India.

The IECPA hope to become the official entity involved in standardizing, educating, examining and certifying ECP practitioners throughout the globe. Although the idea of the IECPA originated in 2018, it was only until July 2019 that the registration began with over 70 medical professionals practicing ECP that have become part of the association as well as the registration of honorary members from ECP machine manufacturing industry.   As the IECPA we intend to meet and exceed this objectives.