I started experiencing chest pains from the age of 19 years. It was a sharp pain that was just there for a minute. I consulted the doctor who sent me to a physician. He did not find anything. The pains were not that severe until the age of 35. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. My chest pains became so severe that I consulted with some cardiologist I was told that it was because of stress and tension and high blood pressure. I decided to go for External Counterpulsation. I am feeling much better than before. For the first two weeks of treatment I felt some chest pains but they were not as severe as before. By the third week I did not feel any chest pains and the blood pressure came down. I can also breathe more easily compared to before. Everyone is so amazing. They always wears their smile each and every day. They are so kind hearted. They are so humble and always welcome you with a smile. They are willing to help all the time. Everything is perfect